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(512) 910-2000Posted by Terry & Kelly on October 2, 2024
MANCHACA, TX – The Travis County Sheriff’s Office is investigating a collision with injuries that occurred adjacent to The Wild Onion Ranch Wednesday morning.
Deputies were dispatched to the 300th to 449th block of Estancia Parkway around 10:51 a.m. They have not revealed the events that led to this crash nor specified the type and number of people and vehicles involved. However, they did indicate that at least one person suffered minor wounds.
Additional information, which includes any hospitalizations, will be added when our newsroom learns more.
After your crash, it can be tempting to immediately accept a settlement from the at-fault driver’s insurance company. However, it would be in your best interests to wait to accept an offer and instead turn to TK Injury Lawyers for legal counsel regarding your next steps. Our Austin car accident lawyer knows insurance companies’ tactics to lower payments as a means of saving themselves time and money. Our attorney does not believe the company should overlook and undervalue you and can use their advocacy skills to fight for your right to a compensation package that can fully cover the costs of all your current and future medical expenses, car repairs, lost income due to missed work hours, and much more. We encourage you to learn more by setting up a free consultation with our talented legal advocate and litigator by calling our firm at (512) 582-2398 or reaching out online.
Posted by Terry & Kelly on November 25, 2024
SOUTH AUSTIN, TX – Two adults were left in critical condition, and two children with serious, non-life-threatening wounds following a wreck Saturday. Austin Travis C...
Posted by Terry & Kelly on June 25, 2024
SOUTHEAST AUSTIN, TX – One person suffered minor injuries in a crash reported after 2 p.m. Tuesday in the Montopolis area, Austin Police said. Officers said this c...
Posted by Terry & Kelly on October 10, 2022
TRAVIS COUNTY, TX – One was hospitalized, and two were killed in a single-car crash in Del Valle Sunday. The collision occurred around 2:30 am at the 14000 block of ...
Posted by Terry & Kelly on May 25, 2023
AUSTIN, TX – Austin Police are investigating a crash in the Georgian Acres district that left at least one person injured Thursday. The collision happened after 1 p....
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